G7 Summit in Apulia and Bilateral Summit Meetings: First Day

June 13, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On June 13, 2024 (local time), Prime Minister Kishida visited Apulia in the Italian Republic to attend the G7 Apulia Summit.
After being welcomed by H.E. Ms. Giorgia Meloni, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic, Prime Minister Kishida attended Session 1 on Africa, Climate Change and Development.
In the afternoon, Prime Minister Kishida attended Session 2 on Middle East and Session 3 on Ukraine. Prime Minister Kishida then held a Summit meeting with H.E. Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine.
Next, Prime Minister Kishida attended a side-event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), followed by his attendance at a flag ceremony.
Lastly, Prime Minister Kishida attended a welcome ceremony hosted by H.E. Mr. Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic.

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