G7 Apulia Summit Session 2 (Working Lunch) “Middle East” (Summary)

June 13, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On June 13, commencing at 1:15 p.m. (local time; 8:15 p.m. JST), Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, attended the G7 Apulia Summit Session 2 (working lunch) “Middle East,”for approximately 85 minutes. The overview is as follows.

1. Situation of Israel and Palestine
(1) Prime Minister Kishida emphasized that a ceasefire and early calming down the situation are of the utmost importance and stated that, from this perspective, he strongly supports President Biden’s initiative in relation to the hostage release and ceasefire. At the same time, Prime Minister Kishida stated that it is necessary for all parties concerned including Hamas to accept this, and realize an immediate ceasefire, release of the hostages, improvement of the humanitarian situation, and a sustainable ceasefire. Prime Minister Kishida further emphasized the importance of raising momentum across the international community as a whole amidst the tense situation, and expressed support for the efforts of relevant countries.

(2) Prime Minister Kishida pointed out that it is important for a wide range of countries to engage in assistance for Palestine. He further stated that Japan is ready to actively engage in such efforts as the reform of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the reconstruction of Gaza, and promotion of a process toward a two-state solution, and that Japan will also continue its diplomatic efforts to prevent further destabilization in the Middle East and build the foundations for long-term stability.

2. Situation in the Red Sea
Prime Minister Kishida pointed out that the sea areas connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, and the South and East China Seas, are vital sea lanes. He explained that Japan is making efforts to prevent the further deterioration of the situation, together with the relevant countries, including at the United Nations Security Council.

3. G7 Leaders concurred to continue to cooperate closely in responding to the situation in the Middle East.

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Archives (Archived entries for the 98th through 100th prime ministers)