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Diplomatic Relations

Meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Bronislaw Komorowski of the Republic of Poland

Monday, June 17, 2013

[Provisional Translation]

On Sunday, June 16, between 5:30 P.M. and just after 6:00 P.M., Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is visiting the Republic of Poland, met with H.E. Mr. Bronislaw Komorowski, President of the Republic of Poland. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. Opening

    (1) Prime Minister Abe expressed his joy at being able to visit Poland for the first time in 10 years as the Prime Minister of Japan. He noted that Ms. Komorowski had visited the region affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in April of the previous year and communicated gratitude for the display of solidarity she had shown to Japan, such as her encouragement of children in the region.

    (2) President Komorowski welcomed Prime Minister Abe to Poland and again expressed his condolences for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

  2. Bilateral Relations

    (1) Prime Minister Abe commented that the bilateral relations of Japan and Poland were growing closer, centered on the economy, and stated that 2014 should be celebrated as it will be the 20th anniversary of the Manggha Centre of Japanese Art and Technology and the V4 plus Japan Exchange Year. He said that he hopes to make use of both opportunities and further promote exchange between the citizens of both countries.

    (2) President Komorowski said that the V4 plus Japan Exchange Year would be a good opportunity for the promotion of exchange, and that he wanted to use the opportunity to visit Japan and exert efforts toward the promotion of bilateral relations. He also expressed expectations for the further development of bilateral relations through additional investments by Japanese companies in Poland and closer economic relations.

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