Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > May 2014 > The Prime Minister Attends the Inauguration Ceremony for the Cabinet Personnel Bureau and Delivers an Address
The Prime Minister Attends the Inauguration Ceremony for the Cabinet Personnel Bureau and Delivers an Address
Friday, May 30, 2014
Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard
Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard
Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Minister Inada
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (2)
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended a ceremony of raising a signboard for the Cabinet Personnel Bureau and also delivered an address to the staff.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
“At long last, the Cabinet Personnel Bureau was inaugurated today. The Bureau will be a core organ of the current civil service reform effort. I, too, have high expectations for this new organization.
To date, the different ministries and agencies have operated like a fleet comprised of different ships. In other words, you have all been onboard separate ships and these ships have each been operating independently of each other. It has been this collection of ships that has made up Japan and Kasumigaseki (the district where most ministries and agencies are located). Now things are going to change. Now you will all be riding on one large ship, the Nippon Maru, a ship representing all of Japan. As part of this, when approaching your work, I would like you to think about how we can ensure that this ship moves in the right direction and travels along the most efficient course towards its destination. I would also like you to bear in mind how we can produce great successes.
We will complete eliminating the vertically-segmented administrative system, and I would like you to always be mindful of the people and the nation when carrying out your work. Your job will be to take talented personnel and assign the right people to the right positions. Who do we need in order to overcome the difficulties we face? Who has the strategic thinking and persistence needed for us to reach our medium- and long-term targets? I would like you to keep these perspectives in mind as you thoroughly address personnel matters. This is the expectation that has been placed on you. The success or failure of civil service reform truly rests on your shoulders. Under the leadership of Director General Kato, Minister Inada, and Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga, I would like all of you to make daily progress for Japan and for the people. With that, I would like to conclude my remarks. I expect great things from you. Thank you.”