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Council on National Strategic Special Zones
Monday, May 12, 2014
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (2)
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the fifth meeting of the Council on National Strategic Special Zones at the Prime Minister's Office.
During the meeting, debate took place on how to proceed in the short-term with regard to the management of special zone meetings and other related matters.
Based on the discussions, the Prime Minister said,
“First, I would like to highly commend the swift and active developments in the six National Strategic Special Zones as the front runners of economic revitalization, which were identified at the last meeting of this council.
I hope to promote the National Strategic Special Zones while adhering to two policies.
The first is a ‘sense of speed.’
It is important to produce reform in a tangible manner.
To that end, rather than spending ample amounts of time on this and aiming for perfection, first we should swiftly identify as many achievable regulatory reforms as possible and move quickly toward implementation. While also bearing in mind the basic policy for managing special zone meetings, which we settled upon today, I would like to ask you to set out a first round of project plans for a number of regions as we move toward revising the Growth Strategy next month.
The second policy is ‘continuous evolution’ in line with the specific project needs in each zone.
I believe there is still some resistance and opposition in the designated regions. Nevertheless, I am sure that if we continue to develop additional policies, without fear, that take into account the true needs of each project, we can break through the solid rock of vested interests.
I intend to continue operating my drill at the greatest possible speed in preparation for the revision of the Growth Strategy and I would like to ask for your continued support.”