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The Prime Minister in Action

Second Day of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit and Other Related Events

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (1)

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (1)

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (1)

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (1)

  • Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (1)
  • Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (2)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (1)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (2)
  • Photograph of the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
  • Photograph of the press announcement by the co-chairs of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit
  • Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit group photograph session
  • Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (1)
  • Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (2)
  • Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (1)
  • Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (2)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (1)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (2)
  • Photograph of the grand finale at the gala dinner

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (2)

Photograph of the ASEAN-Japan leaders' commemorative photograph session (2)

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (2)

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending Session 1 (2)

Photograph of the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Photograph of the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Photograph of the press announcement by the co-chairs of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit

Photograph of the press announcement by the co-chairs of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit group photograph session

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit group photograph session

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (1)

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (1)

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (2)

Photograph of the Mekong-Japan Summit (2)

Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (1)

Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (1)

Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (2)

Photograph of the press conference by the Prime Minister (2)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (2)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the gala dinner (2)

Photograph of the grand finale at the gala dinner

Photograph of the grand finale at the gala dinner

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit and other related events.

First, the Prime Minister attended Session 1 of the ASEAN-Japan Commemorative Summit at the State Guest House. Following this, the Prime Minister attended a luncheon meeting hosted by Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and JCCI (the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and said in his address,

"I would like to express my heartfelt respect to Mr. Hiromasa Yonekura, Chairman of Keidanren, Mr. Akio Mimura, Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the many others who worked to prepare such a magnificent luncheon today, for their great efforts. I relish the good fortune that has accompanied this memorable time in which we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Japan-ASEAN relations. I very much appreciate your inviting me to this luncheon meeting.
Forty years ago, or even 30, who on earth could have predicted ASEAN's current degree of prosperity? ASEAN is flourishing more than just economically. I wonder how many of us here today had really been able to foresee ASEAN's current situation of steady steps forward, heading toward the building of democracy and seeking equality under the law.
ASEAN's steps forward are great marks of its achievements. From a stage where industrialization had not even gotten underway, it is now an accumulation of the efforts of people who moved forward single-mindedly. The success of ASEAN is the achievement of innumerable unknown people who have continued to take steps forward as people working diligently in the belief that tomorrow will be better than today.
An economy that sets free people's unlimited potential will certainly expand. I have continuously told myself that very thing. This is true when we set free the power of women, the elderly, and more than anything, young people with their futures still ahead of them. It is democracy that can best liberate this power of each individual to move forward. We politicians must do all we can to let the people's potential fully bloom.
With the anonymous men and women living in ASEAN, Japanese businesspeople have always stood shoulder to shoulder. These are people who, covered with sweat and grease, brought improvements to factory production lines. They were in high spirits fostering small factories making parts. And they took ASEAN's joys as their own.
We Japanese call these nameless heroes without rank or title 'the stars that we have on earth,' or 'a Pegasus out in the field.' Let us recall the achievements of these unsung heroes, those thousands or perhaps even tens of thousands of people who lived together with ASEAN.
And, when Japan and ASEAN maintain their ties through a spirit of 'wa'--W-A--let us believe that the future of Asia and of the world will be bright indeed. 'Wa'--W-A. 'Wa' in Japanese means 'links' but it also means 'peace.' It is the stability and the peace that we build through our linkage with each other.
Over these 40 years, the actual state of ASEAN has constantly demonstrated just how insufficient our imaginations really are. As we enjoy this luncheon, let us allow our imaginations to run wild for a while, thinking how our imaginations will be betrayed next.
Thank you very much."

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister held talks with the leaders of countries in the Mekong region, and then held a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office.

In the evening, the Prime Minister attended a gala dinner held in Tokyo and said in his address,

"Good evening, everyone. Once again let me start my remarks by extending a wholehearted welcome to you all. To all of you from ASEAN and from Japan, I say that tonight is for us to celebrate our friendship, the chapter we have lived together. It's a story that heart to heart ties have bound us, ASEAN and Japan together for 40 years. A story of innumerable efforts and achievements. I ask you to join with me in making tonight a night of profound celebration.
My friends, I would now like to introduce to you Mr. Ryotaro Sugi, our ASEAN-Japan Special Ambassador. Mr. Sugi, if you would kindly raise your hand. Mr. Sugi has built a rainbow-colored bridge between Japan and ASEAN through his big and warm heart. Later we will have the opportunity to enjoy some superb entertainment that Mr. Sugi has prepared, so stay thrilled.
Let me also tell you, that in seven years time, we will be hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games here in Tokyo! That's thanks to your help. I cannot thank you more.
Here in Japan, we all have our eye on seven years from now. We aim to be upstanding as a people, and more virtuous as a nation.
But it won't do for us to make these efforts in isolation. It is a Japan that grows together with ASEAN that can best work towards these goals. Indeed, we will succeed by working together with an ASEAN with which we share a vision, an identity, and most of all, a future.
From Japan to ASEAN; from ASEAN to Japan. Exchanging cultures; exchanging people. The government of Japan will forge a new cultural exchange policy for the next seven years in order to bring to life our 'heart to heart' connections on both sides.
This will build up and strengthen the 'wa'--W-A--that exists between us. In Japanese, 'wa' means 'links,' and 'wa' also means 'peace.' It means linking together with each other, our sights set on stability and peace and greater prosperity. That is 'wa.' Our gala tonight celebrates our 'wa.'
And so now, I would like you all to raise your glasses along with me. Is everyone ready?
Now, I propose a toast: let us celebrate together the long road ASEAN and Japan have walked down these 40 years and envision the glittering future between us that 'wa' will create.

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