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Speeches and Statements by the Prime Minister

Statement by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda upon the General Resignation of the Noda Cabinet

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

[Provisional Translation]

Today, my Cabinet and I have resigned en masse.

Since the inauguration of my Cabinet in September of last year, we have made every effort towards the recovery and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the fight against the nuclear accident, and the revitalization of the Japanese economy as our urgent challenges.

In addition, with regard to diplomacy, we have made accomplishments in such areas as strengthening relations with the United States and neighboring countries, as well as advancing economic diplomacy, including economic partnerships and the securing of energy resources.

Furthermore, by passing legislation related to the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems and launching the National Council on Social Security System Reform, we were able to set Japan on a firm path towards restoring a society overflowing with warmth and bequeathing it to the next generation.

I would like to once again express my appreciation to all the people of Japan for their understanding and cooperation during these processes.

The country's priorities, including the recovery and reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the fight against the nuclear accident, the revitalization of the Japanese economy, and the realization of the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems, require the continued substantive engagement of the Government.

I pray that the new Cabinet will practice sound management of state affairs in addressing the plethora of issues which exist domestically and internationally in order to protect Japan as well as the lives of the Japanese people.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the people of Japan for their warm support and cooperation during my time as Prime Minister.

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