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Diplomatic Relations

Japan-Luxembourg Summit Meeting

Thursday, October 11, 2012

[Provisional Translation]

On Thursday, October 11, from 2:10 pm for about 30 minutes, Prime Minister Noda held a summit meeting at Prime Minister's Office with H.E. Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, who is visiting Japan to attend the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings. The overview is as follows.

  1. Opening

    Prime Minister Noda welcomed Prime Minister Juncker on his fourth visit to Japan and expressed his high hopes for Prime Minister Junker's contributions to the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings.

    Prime Minister Noda also expressed his delight at the news of the engagement of H.R.H. Prince Guillaume, The Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg and informed Prime Minister Juncker that His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Naruhito will attend the wedding ceremony that will take place on October 20. Prime Minister Noda then said that he strongly hoped the close relationship between the Imperial Family of Japan and the Royal Family of Luxembourg would be one channel towards the development of relations between the two countries in various fields.

    In response, Prime Minister Juncker said that the relationship between the two countries has been very strong, something he is very pleased about.

  2. European Debt Crisis and the Japan-EU Economy

    Prime Minister Noda stated that while the global economy remains unstable, predominately due to the European debt crisis, Japan is taking an active approach in supporting the recovery from the crisis through the purchase of European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) bonds and through contributions to increase IMF resources. Prime Minister Noda then stated that it is crucial to decisively and swiftly implement initiatives as agreed upon by the EU and spoke about his high hopes for Prime Minister Junker's leadership as the President of The European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Prime Minister Noda also requested the support of Luxembourg for the early commencement of negotiations for the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).

    In response, Prime Minister Juncker provided a detailed overview of the status of the European economy and expressed his gratitude for Japan's contribution, adding that he would appreciate Japan's continued support. He also commented that Luxembourg would like to support the Japan-EU EPA, which would help strengthen its economic relationship with Japan. Prime Minister Juncker also said that he hopes for an early conclusion on the social security agreement, which is currently being negotiated with Japan.

  3. Other

    In addition to the above-mentioned topics, the two Prime Ministers exchanged their opinions on the current situation in East Asia and other issues.

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