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Diplomatic Relations

Japan-Finland Summit Meeting

Monday, September 3, 2012

[Provisional Translation]

On Monday, September 3, commencing at 5:30 p.m. for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. Yoshihiko NODA, Prime Minister of Japan, held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Jyrki KATAINEN, Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland, who is visiting Japan, at the Prime Minister's Office. An overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. Opening

    At the start of the meeting, Prime Minister Noda welcomed Prime Minister Katainen to Japan. He also stated that he wished for Prime Minister Katainen to see the steady progress Japan has made toward reconstruction. In response, Prime Minister Katainen expressed his admiration for the accomplishments of Japan in just over a year under the leadership of Prime Minister Noda, and said that he was very pleased to have been able to visit Japan as Prime Minister of Finland.

  2. Energy and nuclear power safety

    Prime Minister Noda remarked that there is much latent potential for the furthering of cooperation between Japan and Finland in the field of energy, adding that exchanges related to energy conservation and renewable energy were particularly important.

    In response, Prime Minister Katainen noted that bilateral relations were good, and said that he of course expected the continuing of cooperation for energy conservation and renewable energy, as well as continued cooperation with Japan in the field of nuclear safety.

    In response to this, Prime Minister Noda explained the ongoing public debate related to Japan's energy mix, and said that he wished for Japan to continue contributions toward the enhancement of nuclear safety. He remarked that as one part of this, Japan was scheduled to hold the Fukushima Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety, and requested that Finland attend the meeting.

  3. Japan-EU EPA

    Prime Minister Noda expressed his expectations toward the further development of bilateral economic relations and requested cooperation related to the early start of negotiations on a Japan-European Union (EU) economic partnership agreement (EPA). In response, Prime Minister Katainen stated that he strongly supported the early start of negotiations for a Japan-EU EPA.

  4. Other matters

    The two Prime Ministers also had an exchange of opinions on the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, relations with Russia, and cooperation in the international arena. Furthermore, Prime Minister Katainen expressed support for the approval of Japan's application for a permanent observer status in the Arctic Council.

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