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Diplomatic Relations

Courtesy Call on Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Sunday, July 8, 2012

On Sunday, July 8, for about 25 minutes from 8:35 a.m., The Honorable Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America, paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. The outline of their meeting is as follows. (Attending on the Japanese side were Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Saito; Special Advisor to the Prime Minister Nagashima; Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. Fujisaki; Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Kawai; and Director General of the North American Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ihara, among others. Attending on the U.S. side were U.S. Ambassador to Japan Roos, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Grossman, U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Nuland, among others.)

  1. Prime Minister Noda began by thanking Secretary Clinton for the warm welcome he received during his visit to the United States in April. He said his visit was extremely productive, as seen in the "Shared Vision" released on that occasion, which sets out where the Japan-U.S. alliance should be headed. The Prime Minister reaffirmed his intent to follow through on that vision. Secretary Clinton responded that the Government of the United States was honored to host Prime Minister Noda and stated that she shared his determination to follow up on the achievements of his visit.

  2. Regarding Afghanistan, Prime Minister Noda expressed his gratitude for the robust cooperation of the United States leading up to the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan. He noted that the conference, along with the NATO summit held in Chicago in May, would send a strategic message that Afghanistan can achieve stable gains in terms of both security and economic development during its "Transformation Decade." He stated that Japan would continue to cooperate with the United States in this partnership with Afghanistan. In response, Secretary Clinton thanked Prime Minister Noda for hosting the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan and praised Japan's leadership.

  3. Prime Minister Noda and Secretary Clinton also discussed bilateral issues, including measures to follow up on his U.S. visit, as well as the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and global affairs. They agreed that Japan and the United States would continue to work together closely to address these and other issues.

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