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Diplomatic Relations

Meeting between Mr. Katsuya Okada, Deputy Prime Minister, and H.E. Mr. Gido Westerwelle, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Germany

Sunday, July 8, 2012

On Sunday, July 8, Mr. Katsuya Okada, Deputy Prime Minister, participated in a working lunch with H.E. Mr. Guido Westerwelle, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Germany, who is visiting Japan. An overview of the meeting is as follows.

Aside from the following, Minister Westerwelle extended an invitation to Deputy Prime Minister Okada to visit Germany.

  1. The European Debt Crisis
    Minister Westerwelle explained the initiatives being taken by Germany toward a resolution of the European debt crisis and expressed his gratitude for the solidarity of Japan, noting Japan's purchase of European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) bonds and its contributions toward strengthening the financial base of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  2. Japan-EU EPA
    Deputy Prime Minister Okada and Minister Westerwelle shared the view that a Japan-European Union (EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) would offer opportunities contributing to the growth of both Japan and the EU. Minister Westerwelle stated that Germany wanted to continue to work constructively on the matter.

  3. Afghanistan
    Minister Westerwelle praised highly the initiatives of Japan for Afghanistan, including the Tokyo Conference in Afghanistan. Deputy Prime Minister Okada and Minister Westerwelle shared the view that Afghanistan had latent potential and that there was a need to improve the situation of law and order in the country in order to make full use of such potential.

  4. Energy
    Minister Westerwelle remarked on Japan-Germany cooperation in the field of renewable energy. Deputy Prime Minister Okada stated that there was much to be learned from the initiatives of Germany.

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