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Diplomatic Relations

Courtesy Call by Mr. Katsuya Okada, Deputy Prime Minister of Japan, on H.E. Mr. Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Sunday, April 22, 2012

[Provisional Translation]

On Sunday, April 22, Mr. Katsuya Okada, Deputy Prime Minister of Japan, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, for approximately 30 minutes from 6:40 p.m. An overview of the meeting is as follows. On the Myanmar side, H.E. Mr. Wunna Maung Lwin, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Soe Thein, Minister for Industry; and H.E. Mr. Tin Naing Thein, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development, were also in attendance.

  1. Deputy Prime Minister Okada noted that when he was the Minister for Foreign Affairs he had met President Thein Sein, and remarked that Myanmar was changing at a pace far quicker than he had imagined. He expressed his admiration for the initiatives of President Thein Sein toward democratization.

  2. President Thein Sein explained the current status and initiatives for democratization, national reconciliation and economic reform in Myanmar. Deputy Prime Minister Okada stated that democratization was not easy, and that it was important that progress be made by overcoming each issue one after the other. He added that Japan would like to strongly support the initiatives. In addition, the two discussed the thermal power station that President Thein Sein had visited in the morning of the same day and talked about how the advanced environmental technology of Japan could be utilized for nation building in Myanmar.


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