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Diplomatic Relations

Japan-Mozambique Summit Meeting

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On Tuesday, February 21, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held a meeting at the Prime Minister's Office with Mr. Aires Bonifacio Baptista Ali, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mozambique, who is on a working visit to Japan. The overview of the meeting is as follows. After the meeting, the Joint Press Statement between Japan and the Republic of Mozambique (see Attachment for English text) was released.

  1. Prime Minister Noda extended his sympathy for the cyclone and flooding damage in Mozambique in January, and repeated his gratitude for the sympathy conveyed by Mozambique after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The two leaders affirmed their commitment to further strengthening their cooperative relationship in the area of resource development including coal and natural gas. They agreed to start the negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement, which has been requested by Mozambique, with a view to promoting investment into the country. Furthermore, with regard to economic cooperation, Prime Minister Noda expressed his intention to work proactively not only on poverty reduction but also on assistance contributing to the development of business activities between the two countries. In particular, Prime Minister Noda expressed his commitment to continuing assistance for Mozambique's development efforts, including the implementation of the PROSAVANNA Project, a trilateral cooperation by Japan, Mozambique, and Brazil, as well as infrastructure development in the Nacala Corridor Development. He also indicated his intention to consider further support to Mozambique's efforts aimed at the entire elimination of landmines in the country by 2014.

  2. The two leaders confirmed the attendance of President of the Republic of Mozambique Armando Emi'lio Guebuza at the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), and exchanged views on cooperation in the international arena among other topics.

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