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Diplomatic Relations

Japan-UK Summit Meeting (Overview)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


[Provisional Translation]

On Thursday, November 3, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who is visiting Cannes for the G20 Summit, held a meeting with the Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK), from 11:39 a.m. local time (7:39 p.m. Japan time) for around 20 minutes. The overview of the meeting is as follows (Attending on the Japanese side were: Mr. Jun Azumi, Minister of Finance; Mr. Hiroyuki Nagahama, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary; Mr. Hiranao Honda, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister; among others. Attending on the UK side were: Sir Jonathan Cunliffe, Europe and Global Issues Adviser; Sir Peter Ricketts, National Security Adviser; among others.).


  1. Opening Statements
    Prime Minister Cameron stated that he was sorry that he had to postpone his visit to Japan, which was scheduled to take place on October 25, in order to attend an emergency European Council (EC) meeting. Prime Minister Noda expressed his appreciation to Prime Minister Cameron for his telephone call that was made soon after making the decision. Both leaders concurred to make arrangements for Prime Minister Cameron's early visit to Japan at a mutually convenient time.

  2. G20 Cannes Summit and the European Debt Crisis
    Prime Minister Noda stated that he wished to coordinate closely with the UK to promote successful outcomes at the G20. Regarding the European debt crisis, Prime Minister Noda also expressed concerns over the Greek referendumand noted his expectations for Prime Minister Cameron's leadership in order for Europe to work together to overcome the crisis. Prime Minister Cameron explained the measures being taken by the UK and Europe in response to the debt crisis, and expressed a strong commitment toward the initiatives.

  3. Japan-EU EPA
    Prime Minister Noda stated that cooperation between Japan and the European Union (EU) is essential to the global economic recovery. For further advancing Japan-EU partnerships, Prime Minister Noda spoke about the importance of the Japan-EU economic partnership agreement (EPA), expressed his appreciation for the UK's consistent support for the Japan-EU EPA, and noted that he (Prime Minister Noda) will also exercise leadership toward the early launch of the negotiations and will thoroughly carry out regulatory and institutional reform. Prime Minister Cameron expressed expectations for Japan's further efforts so that he(Prime Minister Cameron) can encourage other EU countries to support the EPA.

  4. Strengthening Japan-UK Strategic Partnership
    Both leaders concurred to hold discussions on the promotion and strengthening of Japan-UK cooperation in the areas of security and defense.

  5. Next Fighter Aircraft
    Prime Minister Noda, with regard to Prime Minister Cameron's recommendation of the Eurofighter for Japan's next fighter aircraft, responded that the fighter will be selected based on a fair and rigorous process, in accordance with the selection procedures specified in advance.



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