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Diplomatic Relations

Japan-UK Summit Telephone Talks (Overview)

Monday, October 24, 2011

[Provisional Translation]


On Monday, October 24, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held a telephone talk with the Right Honourable David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, on the latter's initiative. The overview is as follows.

  1. Opening Statements
    Prime Minister Cameron said that he had to postpone his visit to Japan, which was scheduled to take place on October 25, in order to attend an emergency European Council (EC) meeting on October 26, and expressed that he is truly sorry and very disappointed about this. In response, Prime Minister Noda said that he was looking forward to Prime Minister Cameron's visit to Japan, and that he understands the situation surrounding the European financial crisis and the Euro crisis, which compelled the Prime Minister to postpone his visit to Japan.

  2. European Financial Crisis and Euro Crisis
    Prime Minister Noda said that he strongly expects that a fundamental solution will be agreed upon at the EC meeting on October 26 through the solidarity of European leaders, for the upcoming G20 Cannes Summit this November. Prime Minister Cameron responded that he would like to pave the way for the resolution of the European financial crisis and the Euro crisis before attending the G20 Cannes Summit.

  3. Prime Minister Cameron's Visit to Japan
    Prime Minister Noda conveyed his expectation that Mr. Cameron's visit to Japan would be realized at an early stage, in response to which Prime Minister Cameron said that he would make arrangements for his early visit to Japan.


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