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The Prime Minister Presents Commemorative Gifts to Members of the Japanese National Team of the London 2012 Paralympic Games
Friday, October 5, 2012
Photograph of the Prime Minister enjoying talks with wheelchair tennis athletes
Photograph of the Prime Minister enjoying talks with wheelchair tennis athletes
Photograph of the Prime Minister presenting an athlete with a commemorative gift 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister presenting an athlete with a commemorative gift 2
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the ceremony
Photograph of the Prime Minister enjoying talking with goalball athletes
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda invited members of the Japanese National Team, which had competed in the London 2012 Paralympic Games, to the Prime Minister's Office, and held a ceremony to present them with commemorative gifts.
At the London Paralympic Games, held for 12 days from August 29 to September 9, the Japanese National Team won a total of 16 medals, including five gold medals.
At the ceremony, the Prime Minister presented a commemorative gift to the members of the National Team. In his address, the Prime Minister said,
"You have all exercised your power to the fullest extent. We all, the people of Japan, were truly provided with encouragement, excitement and hope. I would like to give thanks to you from my heart. I sincerely hope that the experiences you all have had give you further enriched lives in your respective areas."