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The Prime Minister in Action

Decision on Senior Vice-Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries and Special Advisors to the Prime Minister

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the senior vice-ministers

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the senior vice-ministers

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the senior vice-ministers

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the senior vice-ministers

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the senior vice-ministers
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the senior vice-ministers
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the parliamentary secretaries
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the parliamentary secretaries
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the special advisors to the Prime Minister

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the senior vice-ministers

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the senior vice-ministers

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the parliamentary secretaries

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the parliamentary secretaries

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the parliamentary secretaries

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the first meeting of the parliamentary secretaries

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the special advisors to the Prime Minister

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the special advisors to the Prime Minister

The senior vice-ministers and the parliamentary secretaries of the Third Reshuffled Noda Cabinet were decided at the Cabinet meeting on October 2.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the attestation ceremony at the Imperial Palace with 25 senior vice-ministers who had assembled at the Prime Minister's Office. Prime Minister Noda and the senior vice-ministers thereafter returned to the Prime Minister's Office and attended a commemorative photograph session, which was also joined by Mr. Osamu Fujimura, Chief Cabinet Secretary, and others. The Prime Minister then attended the first meeting of the senior vice-ministers.

In his addresses at the meeting, the Prime Minister said, "We are currently facing many challenges. The issues that we must make whole-hearted efforts to resolve include the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the fight against the nuclear power station accident, and the revival of the Japanese economy. In addition, there are various problems now occurring in terms of foreign affairs and security.
It is our mission to overcome these challenges one by one, work steadily for the people, and achieve results.
Especially, the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the revival of the Japanese economy are the themes that should be related to all ministries and agencies. I would like to ask you to gather all your efforts on these issues."

Afterwards, the Prime Minister delivered letters of appointment to 27 parliamentary secretaries who had assembled at the Prime Minister's Office. The Prime Minister then attended a commemorative photograph session and the first meeting of the parliamentary secretaries.

In his address at the meeting, the Prime Minister said, "The most important themes are the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the fight against the nuclear power station accident, and the revival of the Japanese economy.
I am willing to put all our efforts together to make progress on these issues. We must also pave the way for resolving the remaining issues on the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems, and vitalize Japan as a whole by increasing the vitality of children, the vitality of working people, and the vitality of regional communities. In addition, there are various problems now occurring in terms of foreign affairs and security.
I would like to ask you to gather all your efforts in order to overcome these issues one by one."

Lastly, the Prime Minister delivered letters of appointment to 5 special advisors to the Prime Minister, who had assembled at the Prime Minister's Office, and attended a commemorative photograph session.


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