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The 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai (Japan War-Bereaved Families Association)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai 2
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the 65th Anniversary Ceremony of the Nippon Izokukai (Japan War-Bereaved Families Association) held in Tokyo, in the presence of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
After offering a silent prayer, the Prime Minister said in his congratulatory address,
"The peace and prosperity of present-day Japan has been built upon the noble sacrifices of those who lost their lives in World War II. No matter how much time passes, our thoughts go to the people who fell against their will in the ravages of war while thinking of their homeland and feeling anxious about their families. On this occasion, I would like to once again pray for the repose of all the war dead, and at the same time would like to express my deep respect to the bereaved relatives who withstood the sorrow of losing their beloved family members, and had overcome difficulties.
The government will maintain its pledge not to engage in war, and try to realize lasting world peace, so as to respond to the wills of the war dead. At the same time, we would take responsibility to work toward collecting the remains of the war dead that still sleep in lands that used to be fierce battlefields, such as Ioto, and place our effort in improving the welfare of the bereaved family members."