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Ministerial Council on the Case of the Illegal Landing on the Senkaku Islands
Friday, August 17, 2012
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held a meeting of the ministerial council on the case of the illegal landing on the Senkaku Islands at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister said in his opening address, "On August 15, 14 activists from Hong Kong, who were engaged in activities such as the illegal landing on Uotsuri Island, which is an integral part of Japanese territory, were arrested. It is truly regrettable that they intruded in the territorial waters of Japan and illegally landed on Uotsuri Island, despite repeated warnings. Following the occurrence of this case, I convened the relevant ministers today in order to share information and confirm further directions. I would like to ask each minister to maintain close cooperation and respond to the issue with a sense of urgency."