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Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the meeting of the Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative 2
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the third meeting of the Committee for the Promotion of the Private Finance Initiative held at the Prime Minister's Office.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said, "the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), revision of acts such as the introduction of public facility operation rights, and the system for proposals from the private sector were implemented last year. In addition, a bill for the revision of the PFI Act, which includes the foundation of funds for infrastructure under the collaboration of the public and private sectors, is currently being submitted to the Diet. Thus, the institutional improvement is being steadily carried forth.
In such context, the promotion of the formulation of specific PFI projects for encouraging infrastructure investment while attempting to utilize the vitality of the private sector is included in the Strategy for Rebirth of Japan, which was decided by the Cabinet yesterday, as the strategy to create a vigorous nation and local communities.
In addition, in the final report of the Council on Disaster Countermeasures Promotion that was concluded yesterday, the utilization of PFI in the construction of tsunami evacuation buildings is included as a prioritized issue to be addressed in the future.
It is important to make visible progress in as many PFI programs as possible in each of the areas the ministers are responsible for. I would like to ask each minister to continuously exert leadership, by also taking into consideration the policy for initiatives that is discussed today, in order for the government to unite its efforts for the promotion of PFI."