Home >  News >  The Prime Minister in Action >  June 2012 >  The Prime Minister Attends the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Attends the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors
  • Photograph of the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Photograph of the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Photograph of the General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the 82nd General Meeting of the Japan Association of City Mayors held in Tokyo and delivered an address.

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