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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Attends the G8 Camp David Summit and Others

Monday, May 21, 2012

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 1

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 1

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 1

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 1

  • Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister at the Japan-EU Summit Meeting
  • Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting
  • Photograph of Prime Minister Noda being welcomed by the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, at the welcome reception
  • Photograph of Prime Minister Noda shaking hands with the President of France, Mr. Francois Hollande
  • Photograph of the Japan-France Summit Meeting
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 2
  • Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries heading toward a photo session 1
  • Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister at the working lunch

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the Japan-EU Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the Japan-EU Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Japan-EU Summit Meeting

Photograph of Prime Minister Noda being welcomed by the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, at the welcome reception

Photograph of Prime Minister Noda being welcomed by the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, at the welcome reception

Photograph of Prime Minister Noda shaking hands with the President of France, Mr. Francois Hollande

Photograph of Prime Minister Noda shaking hands with the President of France, Mr. Francois Hollande

Photograph of the Japan-France Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Japan-France Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the G8 first session 2

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries heading toward a photo session 1

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries heading toward a photo session 1

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 2

Photograph of the leaders of G8 countries attending a photo session 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the working lunch

Photograph of the Prime Minister at the working lunch

On May 18 (local time), Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda visited Camp David, the United States, to attend the G8 Summit.

After arriving at Camp David, Prime Minister Noda held the Japan-EU Summit Meeting with Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council (EU), and Mr. Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, President of the European Commission.
Prime Minister Noda then attended the welcome reception held by Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States, followed by a working dinner (agenda: region and political situation).

On May 19 (local time), after holding talks with Mr. Francois Hollande, President of France, Prime Minister Noda attended Session 1 (agenda: global economy) and Session 2 (agenda: energy and climate change) of the G8 Summit.
Then, after attending the working lunch (agenda: Africa and food security), Prime Minister Noda attended Session 3 (agenda: Afghanistan’s economic transition), Session 4 (agenda: transitions in the Middle East and North Africa), and Session 5 (agenda: closing session).

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