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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Attends the Plenary Session of the House of Representatives

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions at the plenary session of the House of Representatives 3

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the plenary session of the House of Representatives.

During the session, Ms. Yoko Komiyama, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, explained the purpose of the bill to amend the National Pension Act and others in order to reinforce the function of minimum guarantee, etc., and the bill for the union of the employee's pension scheme, and the Prime Minister answered questions from the members of each party and faction.

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