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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Receives a Courtesy Call from the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with the Japanese American Leadership Delegation
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a courtesy call from the Japanese American Leadership Delegation

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda received a courtesy call at the Prime Minister's Office from 10 Japanese American leaders who play an active role in the United States in the fields of business, education, media, NPOs, and others.

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