Home >  News >  The Prime Minister in Action >  February 2012 >  Giving of Letters of Assignment (Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction)

The Prime Minister in Action

Giving of Letters of Assignment (Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 3
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister for Reconstruction 3

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction

Photograph of the Prime Minister attending a commemorative photograph session with the newly appointed Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda gave a letter of assignment to the Minister and Parliamentary Secretaries for Reconstruction.

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