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Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow 2
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow 3
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda held a Ministerial Meeting on Response to Heavy Snow at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister said in his opening address, "Since November of last year, the areas along the Sea of Japan in particular have had snowfall accumulation exceeding the level of normal years, with some regions having more than twice the snowfall of an average year. This has resulted in significant human and material losses, including the deaths of more than 50 people. First of all, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the victims and to all of those affected by this disaster.
I ask the people to continue to take heed of the weather information and other information and fully watch out for any dangerous conditions, such as avalanches and blizzards. Furthermore, please be careful with traffic hazards caused by the heavy snowfall, snow that has fallen on electric wires and trees, and to avoid accidents during snow removal and clearance, among other hazards. In particular, given that there are also many elderly people living in hilly and mountainous areas and other areas, I would like to once again ask that the areas as a whole take thorough response measures.
In responding to the heavy snow, I would like to ask for the following three items. First, make all efforts to share and gather information about the damage and take all possible emergency measures, beginning with rescue and relief operations with lifesaving as the number one priority. Second, coordinate closely with local governments and make best efforts to secure roads and lifelines in the affected areas. Third, make concerted, government-wide efforts in providing livelihood support and promoting recovery efforts from the perspective of the community members.
I would also like all possible financial measures to be taken. Under the leadership of the three political-level appointees of each ministry and agency, I ask that responses are taken to cope with the heavy snowfall with a sense of urgency, all the while cooperating with local government organizations."