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Liaison Meeting Among the Cabinet Office and Ministries
Friday, January 6, 2012
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the liaison meeting among the Cabinet Office and ministries 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the liaison meeting among the Cabinet Office and ministries 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the liaison meeting among the Cabinet Office and ministries 2
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the liaison meeting among the Cabinet Office and ministries 3
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended and delivered an address at a liaison meeting among the Cabinet Office and ministries held at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister said, "The Noda Cabinet was inaugurated in September of last year. I stated that the administration's biggest and priority issues were reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake, addressing the nuclear power accident, and revival of the Japanese economy. These three major propositions remain unchanged into this year.
With extraordinary natural disasters, you never know when they will occur. No longer can we get away with the excuse that the unexpected has happened. Along with crisis management with respect to disasters, this year will be a period of power transitions with leadership changing in several countries. Throughout this year, I would like to deal with these matters with a sense of alertness, including crisis management concerning foreign security.
The ordinary session of the Diet will be starting shortly. In light of the Japanese economy, it is essential above all that the fourth supplementary budget, next fiscal year's budget, and related bills are passed at an early stage. In addition, this time, the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems cannot be avoided for any reason.
Another matter which must be accomplished in tandem is administrative reform. Efforts for the general abolition of ministerial branch offices from the perspective of local sovereignty reforms, reforms of independent administrative agencies, personnel cost reductions related to national civil servants, and reforms of the special account system are themes which cut across the Cabinet Office and ministries.
While many challenges lay ahead, I would like to once again ask for the cooperation of the administrative vice-ministers to be able to make progress.
I would truly like 2012 to be the start-off year for Japan to overcome the array of hardships and challenges to date and begin to build a wonderful country."