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The Prime Minister in Action

Okinawa Policy Council

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council 2

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended a meeting of the Okinawa Policy Council at the Prime Minister's Office.

During the meeting attended by Mr. Hirokazu Nakaima, Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, and relevant Cabinet members, an explanation was provided from the Government's side on Okinawa promotion and development policies and reduction of burdens on Okinawa associated with US military bases. Discussion then took place on requests from the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, among other matters.

The Prime Minister said in his opening address, "For Okinawa promotion and development policies, the Government proposes a budget totaling 293.7 billion yen, up 27.6% from the previous year. The main pillar of this budget is the block grant, which is more flexible. Although block grants worth 512 billion yen in total are being executed at the national level, what is unique about this block grant is that it covers not only investments but also operating expenses and municipal projects, so that the scheme is designed to treat Okinawa as a special block grant zone. I would also like to explain about the FY2012 tax reform proposals that concern Okinawa promotion and development policies, such as enhancement of special zone schemes and improved flexibility.
Concerning the reduction of burdens on Okinawa associated with US military bases, I would like to report on the progress concerning the improvement of the implementation of the Japan-US Status of Forces Agreement with regard to the right to exercise jurisdiction, which is exclusively reserved to the US military authority, for crimes committed by US military personnel such as drunk driving, transfer of air drills to Guam and other places, and other matters, and then hear requests from the prefecture.
The current Cabinet continues to recognize Okinawa promotion and development and reduction of burdens on Okinawa as one of its top priorities. I would like to make it clear that the entire Cabinet will work on addressing these issues."

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