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The Prime Minister Attends a Screening of "Abduction – The Megumi Yokota Story"
Friday, December 16, 2011
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the reception 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the reception 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the reception 2
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended a screening of "Abduction - The Megumi Yokota Story," to which ambassadors posted in Tokyo were also invited.
The Prime Minister said in his address, "Using this occasion, I would like to call attention to three points. The first is that the issue of abduction exists as an undeniable fact. The second is that the issue of abduction is still unresolved. The third is that the issue of abduction is a global and universal issue in terms of being in violation of basic human rights, and that international coordination is indispensable for resolving the issue of abduction.
In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March, family members of the abductees sent a message of sympathy to the people affected by the disaster. The massage said, "We feel your pain of being unable to rescue people who you know are trapped under the rubble. We are also in the situation where we cannot rescue our family members even though we know that they are in captivity in North Korea."
We received very warm support from more than 160 countries, including the countries you represent, since the earthquake. We shall never forget your kindest support. And I earnestly ask all of you once again to lend the same kind of support for the rescue of all abductees."