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The Prime Minister in Action

National Convention of Town and Village Mayors

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors

Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors 2

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended the National Convention of Town and Village Mayors held in Tokyo.

In his address, the Prime Minister said, "This year, all across the Japanese archipelago, various areas suffered damages from a series of natural disasters, including the Great East Japan Earthquake, typhoons, and heavy rains. The Government's duty to protect the security and safety of the people is supported by the sincere commitment to the public of the mayors of towns and villages. This was a year in which I was reminded of this numerous times with every disaster and I took this to heart. Beginning with the late Mr. Koki Kato, former Mayor of Otsuchi Town, I would like to pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives in the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent disasters.
I would also like to once again express my deep respect and heartfelt appreciation to all of the mayors of towns and villages and municipality staff for their efforts in leading the way toward the development of local communities and improvement in community welfare.
The third supplementary budget totaling over 12 trillion yen was passed on November 21. Beginning with the establishment of flexible grants amounting to around 1.5 trillion yen, groundbreaking financial measures will be taken for the disaster-stricken municipalities. In order to be able to realize the reconstruction plan as early as possible, the Government will work together with the towns and villages and make utmost efforts to swiftly execute the plan.
Progress will also be made to resolve the challenges that Japan was facing from before the earthquake. Reforms for regional sovereignty, which will allow regional matters to be decided responsibly by the people living in the region, are also one of the priorities of my Cabinet. Reforms will steadily be promoted based on the Local Sovereignty Strategy Guidelines and the Action Plan for the elimination in principle of ministerial branch offices. Furthermore, local opinions will be fully reflected in addressing key policy issues of concern to local communities, such as the comprehensive reform of social security and taxation systems, by making use of the Forum for Consultations between the National and Regional Governments that was enshrined into law this fiscal year, among other forums.
At the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leader's Meeting, I announced that Japan will be entering into consultations with relevant countries for participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations from the perspective of incorporating the growth potential of the Asia-Pacific, the growth engine of the world. Moving forward, based on sufficient public discussions, I would like to reach a conclusion about TPP indeed from the perspective of national interests.
In no other time has the role of basic municipal units, the unit closest to the people, received so much attention. I ask that the mayors of towns and villages continue to lead their communities, face the community members, and make further efforts toward the development of local communities. At the same time, I once again ask for your understanding and cooperation for the measures promoted by the Government, beginning with the disposal of the rubble that resulted from the earthquake over a wide area."

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