Home >  News >  The Prime Minister in Action >  October 2011 >  The Prime Minister Receives Requests from Mayors of Disaster-affected Regions and Recommendations Concerning the Revival of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery

The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Receives Requests from Mayors of Disaster-affected Regions and Recommendations Concerning the Revival of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery

Friday, October 14, 2011

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 2
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with mayors of disaster-affected regions

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with mayors of disaster-affected regions

Photograph of the Prime Minister meeting with mayors of disaster-affected regions

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda received requests from mayors of disaster-affected regions and recommendations concerning the revival of agriculture, forestry, and fishery at the Prime Minister's Office.

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