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The Prime Minister Attends Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2011 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2011 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2011 2
Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda attended Global Environmental Action (GEA) International Conference 2011, which was held in a hotel in Tokyo, in the presence of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince.
The Prime Minister said in his address, "From a variety of perspectives, the Great East Japan Earthquake has posed the question of what it means for a society to be sustainable. Japan is currently searching for an answer to this question in earnest while sprinting at full speed along the road toward recovery and reconstruction from the earthquake. In order to reciprocate the assistance received from around the world, I believe Japan should communicate the knowledge gained from our experience to the international community, sharing it with humanity at large.
Now is truly an opportune time to hold this international conference given its theme of creating a sustainable society through reconstruction and its intention to concentrate the wisdom of the world to this end.
The subtitle of today's conference, "Reviving Japan Together with the World," concisely communicates the direction of policies being tackled by the Noda Cabinet. Japan is resolved and has the capability to continue contributing to the creation of a better future for humankind through robust reconstruction after the latest disasters."