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The Prime Minister in Action
Japan-Republic of Korea Summit Meeting
November 2, 2015
Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the ROK
Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with the President of the ROK
Photograph of the Prime Minister signing a book
Photograph of the Japan-ROK Summit Meeting
Photograph of the Prime Minister answering questions from reporters
[Provisional Translation]
During his visit to Seoul in the Republic of Korea (ROK), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a Japan-ROK Summit Meeting.
After the meeting, the Prime Minister said,
“With the background of various issues and outstanding questions, I believe that it has been groundbreaking for our three countries and this region to have been able to hold the first Japan-China-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting in three and a half years.
We have been able to confirm the normalization of the trilateral Japan-China-ROK process, and we will return to the normal schedule for these Summit Meetings. I believe this is a major achievement.
In this meeting, we were able to have a frank exchange of opinions and an extremely constructive discussion. I want to connect that discussion to the Summit Meeting to be held in Japan next year.
Concerning the Japan-ROK meetings, we held a smaller Japan-ROK Summit Meeting for the first hour. During that time, I believe that we were able to have a frank exchange of opinions.
There was discussion on the comfort women issue. While building a future-oriented cooperative bilateral relationship, I believe that we must not leave any hindrances for future generations with regard to this issue.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and the ROK. Being mindful of this fact, we shared the view that we will aim for an early conclusion and accelerate negotiations.
Furthermore, there are various issues faced by our two countries. Regarding these, I stated Japan’s positions as well as the points that needed to be stressed.
I also encouraged a speedy response from the ROK side. I am truly pleased that we were able to have a frank exchange of opinions and discussion on this manner.
It is extremely important that we mutually and frankly discuss our opinions on the various issues and outstanding questions we face. I believe that candid discussion at the highest levels and in summit meetings will be the start to an improvement in Japan-ROK relations.”
In addition, Prime Minister Abe said the following about the Japan-China Summit Meeting held the previous day.
“Concerning the Japan-China Summit Meeting, I believe that we were able to reinforce the trend toward an improvement in Japan-China relations based on the principle of creating a ‘Mutually Beneficial Relationship based on Common Strategic Interests.’
We had a frank exchange of opinions on our issues. I naturally stressed the points that needed to be stressed.
I am convinced that clearly stating our respective stances and thoroughly discussing them is very important in Japan-China relations.
Regarding the specific content of the discussions, I cannot disclose it at this time given our relationship with the Chinese side, but the Japanese side firmly stated the matters that needed to be stated.”