Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > November 2015 > Nuclear Energy Disaster Prevention Drill
The Prime Minister in Action
Nuclear Energy Disaster Prevention Drill
November 8, 2015
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding a press conference
Photograph of the Prime Minister holding a press conference
Photograph of the First Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters and the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters (1)
Photograph of the First Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters and the Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters (2)
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe conducted the FY2015 Nuclear Energy Disaster Prevention Drill at the Prime Minister's Office.
The drill was based on a scenario in which an earthquake occurred, causing the nuclear reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Company’s Ikata Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 to go into automatic shutdown while the plant was operating at a constant power level. The Plant’s transmission tower was then destroyed, leading the Plant to lose external power, and starting emergency power generators. Reactor coolant then began to leak, creating an emergency situation at the Plant. A fire broke out in the coolant pump house, causing all emergency reactor cooling devices to lose water pumping functionality, thereby giving rise to a full-scale emergency situation. As the situation progressed, radioactive material began to leak, impacting the area surrounding the Plant as well.
The Prime Minister held a press conference related to his Declaration of a Nuclear Emergency Situation based on this scenario.
“At 10:48 a.m. on November 8, 2015, reactor coolant began to leak from Unit 3 of the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant. Although water was pumped into the reactor by the emergency reactor cooling system at 3:15 p.m., the entire emergency reactor cooling system lost water pumping functionality, leading to an emergency situation at the reactor.
In response, based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, I hereby issue a Declaration of a Nuclear Emergency Situation.
Currently, no leakage of radioactive substances outside of the premises has been observed.
However, with the view that it is of the utmost importance that we protect the lives and secure the safety of nearby residents, starting immediately, before there is a leak of radioactive materials, we will be taking countermeasures including evacuation and indoor evacuation.
Specifically, we ask that residents living within approximately five kilometers of the Ikata Nuclear Power Plant and within the evacuation-prepared areas in Ikata Town receive the distributed stable iodine prophylaxis , take it, and then evacuate.
Because the roads within Sadamisaki Peninsula, another evacuation-prepared area, have been severed, we ask that for the time being people carry out indoor evacuation in areas where it is difficult to evacuate by land, and then evacuate by sea routes in an orderly fashion.
I ask that residents within the five cities and two towns in the area between 5 kilometers and 30 kilometers surrounding the power station, that is, Yawatahama City, Ozu City, Seiyo City, Uwajima City, Iyo City, and Uchiko Town of Ehime Prefecture, and Kaminoseki Town of Yamaguchi Prefecture, evacuate indoors immediately.
We ask that residents from these areas pay attention to information broadcasted on emergency public broadcasting services on wireless radio, TV, the radio, and so on .
Following this, The Government will immediately establish a Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters within the Prime Minister’s Office and an Off-site Center in the Local Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters. Relevant ministries, agencies and organizations will come together as one, and we will exert every effort to resolve this emergency, prioritizing efforts to bring this situation to a swift conclusion and secure the safety of the public.
In addition, I will provide information promptly regarding progress in the situation. I request that members of the public pay attention to information conveyed over television, radio, the internet and other forms of media, that everyone abides by the instructions of the national government and municipalities, and that everyone acts in a calm and orderly manner .”
Later, relevant ministers gathered and a simulated Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters and Emergency Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters was held. Prime Minister Abe, who chairs the headquarters, gave a report on the Declaration of a Nuclear Emergency Situation. The Chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority reported an outline of the accident and the response situation; the Minister of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness reported on the resident evacuation situation; and the Minister of State for Disaster Management reported on the situation of the earthquake disaster initiatives. The Prime Minister issued the following instructions to each minister and others.
“I instruct each minister and the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulation Authority to cooperate to immediately respond.
I request that the Minister of Defense implement a nuclear disaster relief mission by the Self-Defense Forces.
I instruct the Chairperson of the National Public Safety Commission, the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to offer support through your operational forces.
I instruct the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to carry out the smooth supply of needed materials.
I instruct the Nuclear Regulation Authority, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to dispatch doctors and other personnel.”
Lastly, at the instruction of the Prime Minister, the relevant ministers made remarks, the basic policy on emergency measures was presented and decided, and the simulated meeting was concluded.