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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

Measures Taken by Japan against North Korea (Announcement by the Chief Cabinet Secretary)

Friday, April 5, 2013

[Provisional Translation]

Regardless of the strong opposition of the international community, North Korea has proceeded to launch missiles in April and December 2012 and also went ahead with a nuclear test in February this year. Since then North Korea has been repeatedly engaging in words and actions that serve only to raise tensions. Furthermore, no concrete progress whatsoever has been seen with regard to the abduction issue. This current situation is extremely regrettable.

In view of the above situation, the following measures have been announced by the Government today.

Firstly, the ban on port calls by sea vessels registered in North Korea and the ban on all imports from North Korea, which have been in place since October 2006, and the ban on all exports to North Korea, which has been in place since June 2009, will be extended, in view of the fact that the extension period approved last year is due to expire on April 13.

To date, these sanctions have been extended annually on an ongoing basis. However, taking into comprehensive consideration the various issues relating to North Korea and in order to call strongly on North Korea to desist from further provocative actions and to engage positively in concrete actions towards the resolution of various concerns,today the Cabinet implemented the required procedures to extend the above sanctions for a two-year period.

Secondly, from the perspective of steadily and comprehensively implementing the provisions of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2094, which was adopted on March 7 following the nuclear test conducted by North Korea, today the Cabinet approved the following measures and implemented the required procedures, including the provision of notice as required under Japanese law.

  1. Measures to freeze the assets, etc., of two organizations and three individuals.

  2. Measures to request Japanese financial institutions and financial institutions located in Japan to refrain from establishing or maintaining correspondent relationships with North Korean financial institutions.

  3. Denial of approval in the event that an application for a banking license is received for the purpose of opening a branch or establishing a subsidiary of a North Korean financial institution in Japan, or in the event that an application is received for a Japanese financial institution to open a branch or establish a subsidiary in North Korea.

  4. Continuation of strict implementation of inspections, based on current legislation, including the Act for Special Measures on Cargo Inspection of North Korean Ships, etc., in the event of information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the cargo contains items the supply, sale, transfer or export of which is prohibited by UNSC Resolutions.

  5. Denial of permission for landing, take-off and over-flight of aircraft, in the event of information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the aircraft contains items the supply, sale, transfer or export of which is prohibited by UNSC Resolutions.

Thirdly, today the Cabinet approved the implementation of measures to freeze the assets, etc., of an additional one organization and four individuals, and implemented the required procedures, including the provision of notice as required under Japanese law. These additional measures have been approved as a result of consultations between Japan and the United States, following the Japan-United States summit meeting in February, in which it was affirmed that the two countries would cooperate with regard to sanctions against North Korea, based on UNSC Resolution 2094.They have been taken in order that Japan may contribute to global efforts to achieve international peace through the resolution of issues relating to North Korea and target persons and organizations deemed to be involved in planning of nuclear, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and ballistic missile programs in North Korea. The effectiveness of measures to freeze assets, etc., increases through cooperative implementation by the countries concerned.The Government expects that these measures taken jointly by Japan and the United States will lead to other countries concerned taking similar measures, and intends to call on other countries to take such action.

The Government of Japan will continue to steadily implement unilateral sanctions and sanctions based on UNSC Resolutions, in order to encourage North Korea to engage positively in concrete actions towards the resolution of various issues of outstanding concern, including abduction, nuclear and missile issues. The implementation and enforcement of sanctions will be implemented strictly, with the close cooperation of ministries and agencies concerned.

The Government of Japan will end the unilateral sanctions on North Korea, in part or in full, at any time and in comprehensive consideration of various circumstances, in the event that North Korea engages positively in concrete actions towards the resolution of various issues of outstanding concern, including abduction, nuclear and missile issues. The Government therefore strongly urges North Korea to engage promptly in such actions towards resolution, particularly with regard to the abduction issue, in view of the fact that abduction victims and their families are of an advanced age.

In accordance with the stipulations of the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration, the Government will continue to tenaciously apply its policy of "dialogue and pressure," with a view to reaching a comprehensive resolution of various issues of outstanding concern, including abduction, nuclear and missile issues.

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