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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

Comment by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, on the Adoption of a Resolution by the United Nations Security Council on the Nuclear Test conducted by North Korea

Friday, March 8, 2013

  1. Japan highly appreciates that the United Nations Security Council condemned the nuclear test by North Korea as a violation of relevant Security Council resolutions, and decided on measures to add and strengthen sanctions. Having worked toward a firm response by the Security Council, in close coordination with the United States and other countries concerned, Japan welcomes the adoption of the Security Council resolution.

  2. Japan will, in coordination with other countries, take appropriate measures so that the resolution will be implemented effectively. Japan strongly urges North Korea to sincerely heed the strong warning and condemnation repeatedly expressed by the international community and to comply faithfully and fully with the relevant Security Council resolutions, and not to conduct any further provocative acts including further nuclear tests and launches. Japan is resolved to continue to make active efforts, in close coordination with the international community, for the comprehensive resolution of outstanding issues of concern regarding North Korea, including abductions, nuclear and missile issues.

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