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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

Statement by the Prime Minister of Japan (on the Nuclear Test by North Korea)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

[Provisional Translation]

  1. Today, North Korea announced that it had conducted the third nuclear test.

  2. North Korea conducted the nuclear test despite the repeated call by the international community including Japan to comply fully with the existing United Nations Security Council resolutions (UNSCRs) and not to conduct any further provocation including nuclear tests. This nuclear test by North Korea is totally unacceptable, as it constitutes a grave threat to Japan's security, represents a grave challenge to the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime centered on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) , and seriously undermines the peace and security of Northeast Asia as well as the international community when taken together with its enhancement of its ballistic missile capability which could serve as the means to deliver weapons of mass destruction. This nuclear test is a clear violation of relevant UNSCRs. It also violates the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration as well as the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks of September 2005, and goes against the resolution of various issues through dialogue with North Korea. Thus, Japan lodges a serious protest against North Korea, and strongly condemns its nuclear test.

  3. In particular, the nuclear test was conducted while the UNSCR 2087, which was adopted in response to the missile launch which North Korea called a "satellite" on December 12, following the launch in April 2012, clearly expresses its determination to take significant action in the event of a nuclear test. This series of provocations are grave challenge to the authority of the United Nations Security Council.

  4. Japan has requested that the Security Council promptly meet. Japan renews its strong demand for North Korea to immediately and fully implement relevant UNSCRs. In addition, Japan takes this occasion to once again strongly urge North Korea to take concrete action towards comprehensively resolving outstanding issues of concern, including the abductions, nuclear and missile programs.

  5. The Government of Japan takes the following measures:

    (1) Continue to take all efforts in information gathering and analysis on this matter,
    (2) Continue to provide the public with the accurate information,
    (3) Continue to take all possible measures to prepare for any contingencies in order to ensure the security and safety of the public,
    (4) With regard to the effect of radioactive materials associated with the nuclear test, convene liaison meetings for radiological countermeasures; strengthen the monitoring system in Japan under the auspices of relevant central ministries and agencies, prefectural governments and relevant organizations; and take every possible measure in coordination with countries concerned,
    (5) Strengthen cooperation with the United States, the Republic of Korea, China and Russia as well as coordinate with other countries concerned and the international community, so that the Security Council will adopt a resolution in which to decide to take an appropriate action, taking into consideration UNSCR 2087, as the nuclear test is a clear violation of relevant UNSCRs,
    (6) Deny, in principle, re-entry into Japan of those who are positioned to effectively assist North Korean authorities residing in Japan if they leave for North Korea, as an additional measure against North Korea for the purpose of a comprehensive resolution of the outstanding issues of concern,
    (7) Consider further measures against North Korea, taking into account future responses by North Korea and the developments of the international community.


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