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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

The First Press Conference by the Chief Cabinet Secretary (After the Information of a Nuclear Test by North Korea)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

(Provisional translation)
February 12, 2013

  1. The Japan Meteorological Agency detected the seismic wave centered in the vicinity of North Korea that differs from the ordinal wave shape approximately at 11:59 today. In regard to this wave, based on the previous cases, we presume that there is a possibility that it was occurred resulting from the nuclear test conducted by North Korea.

  2. According to the Agency, the information of the earthquake is observed to be as follows:

    (1) Time of Occurrence is at 11:57:50, on February 12, 2013.
    (2) The Center of Earthquake is North latitude: 50 degree, East longitude: 41.2 degree, and Depth: 0 kilometer.
    (3) The Scale is magnitude of 5.2.

  3. In response to the report on this seismic wave, the Government of Japan immediately held an emergency consultation meeting with the top senior officials of relevant ministries and agencies. We also set up the situation room regarding the information of the nuclear test by North Korea at the Prime Minister's Office by reorganizing the existing information liaison office on the North Korea's situation at 12:11. We will convene the Security Council from 12:45, and discuss measures on this matter.

  4. The Prime Minister, being immediately reported on the detection of the wave, issued the three points of instruction.

    (1) Conduct information gathering and analysis by the ministries and agencies concerned with a sense of urgency,
    (2) Provide the public with accurate information,
    (3) Collaborate with the countries concerned including the United States, the Republic of Korea, China and Russia.
    Bearing the Prime Minister's instruction in mind, we are in the process of confirming the facts in contact with the countries concerned.



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