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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

On policy deployment for the time being based on the discussion at the first meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council

Friday, January 25, 2013

[Provisional Translation]
The third meeting of the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization
Chair Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Based on the discussion at the first meeting of the Industrial Competitiveness Council, the relevant ministers shall take the following measures to tackle the urgent important policy issues:

(Promotion of regulatory reform)
The Minister of State for Regulatory Reform is to designate employment, health/medicine and energy/environment as priority areas for regulatory reform. In particular, daring reform is required in the field of health/medicine in order for our citizens to enjoy long, healthy lives as well as to boost the economy through overseas development of health/medicine industries.
Introduction of international benchmark tests, including regulatory reforms based on international comparison, is to be sought, with the aim of fostering strategic fields and enhancing Japan`s attractiveness as the world top investment destination.

(Rearranging innovation/IT policy)
The Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, in cooperation with other relevant ministers, is to strengthen the commanding role of the Council for Science and Technology Policy in order to forge a nation excelling in science and technology as well as innovation and promoting needs-oriented R&D programs. The aim is thereby to create the world best environment for innovation and to achieve a society that assimilates world-class human resources from across the globe.
Furthermore, the Minister in charge of Information Technology Policy, in cooperation with other relevant ministers, is to rearrange IT policy in order to realize the world most advanced IT society where IT is utilized in a wide range of areas such as energy efficiency, telemedicine and telework.

(Promotion of economic partnerships)
The Chief Cabinet Secretary is to act as the coordinator among the relevant ministers in pursuing measures to promote strategic economic partnerships in order to bring in growth from overseas on the solid premise of securing Japan's national interests while avoiding "elimination of tariffs with no sanctuary."

(Building a responsible energy policy)
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is to conduct a zero-based review of the energy and environment strategy of the former government and to forge a responsible energy policy taking account of the needs for stable energy supplies as well as the reduction of energy costs.

(Re-examination of climate change policies)
The Minister of the Environment and other relevant ministers are to conduct a zero-based review of the 25% emission reduction target by COP19 in next November as well as to develop assertive diplomatic strategies to tackle climate change with the aim of contributing to the world by fully utilizing Japanese advanced technologies.

(Facilitation of industrial metabolism)
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is to pursue measures for the facilitation of industrial metabolism so that industrial reorganization, entrepreneurship and creation of new businesses will be vitalized.

(Promotion of active roles for the young and for women) 
Under the coordination of the Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization, the relevant ministers are to cooperate with each other in pursuing measures for the promotion of active roles for the young and for women, listening to the opinions of stakeholders at the forum for the promotion of activities for the young and for women, to be held in the near future.  
In addition, the relevant ministers are to work for establishing social environment, support systems and business behaviors that enable both men and women to play active roles in societies and to balance work and family life.

(Promotion of a proactive agriculture policy)
The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is to pursue measures to expand agricultural exports as well as to bolster the competitiveness of agriculture, with a view of establishing a proactive agriculture policy.

(Pursuing a strategy for securing resources and for boosting infrastructure exports)
The Chief Cabinet Secretary, in cooperation with other relevant ministers, including at meetings of relevant cabinet ministers, is to work for acquiring and securing interests in overseas energy and mineral resources as well as for exporting state-of-the-art infrastructure systems, while ensuring the safety of the Japanese working abroad as the matter of top priority.

(Promotion of "Cool Japan")
The Minister in charge of "Cool Japan" Strategy, in cooperation with other relevant ministers, is to work on industrializing the positive features of the Japanese content, fashion, culture and tradition and to pursue measures to promote the foregoing internationally through the public-private sector collaboration as well as to strengthen the publicity. Particular emphasis will be placed on promoting Japanese cuisine around the world and exporting Japanese ingredients.

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