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Cabinet Decisions and Other Announcements

Basic Policy

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cabinet Decision
[Provisional Translation]

A change of government has been realized. As we embark today on a path towards the creation of a "new Japan," we must first share the strong sense of crisis that the public has developed towards the current situation of Japan, as was demonstrated in the recent election, and run the administration with the entire Cabinet having a shared sense of urgency.

Above all, the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake will be accelerated based on a common awareness that "all Cabinet members are ministers for reconstruction." The Government will go out to the disaster-stricken areas and will create a "new Tohoku" as a place of creative power and potential, rather than stopping at merely the "minimum level of livelihood rehabilitation."

In particular, we will undertake the revival of Fukushima under the responsibility of the national government, with the national government standing at the forefront. All Cabinet members will work together to make every effort to achieve the revival of Fukushima under the leadership of the Minister in Charge of Comprehensive Policy Coordination for Revival from the Nuclear Accident at Fukushima by considering the sensitivities of the people affected by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Based on this assumption, in order to overcome the four "crises" which Japan is faced with in the areas of the economy, foreign and security policy, education and daily living and to restore "a Japan we can be proud of", the following measures will be promoted:

  1. Revival of Economy

    A robust economy is a source of national strength for Japan. Without reviving the robust economy, there can be neither fiscal reconstruction nor a future for Japan.
    A Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization will be established as a "control tower" for economic revival. With all Cabinet members working as one, we will aim to overcome the prolonged deflation and yen appreciation as well as expand employment and income under the "three prongs" of bold monetary policy, flexible public finance policy, and a growth strategy that encourages private sector investment.

    Furthermore, the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, whose members include the relevant ministers and experts, will be reinstated. In close coordination with the Headquarters for Japan's Economic Revitalization, the Council will address the various issues of economic and fiscal policy, including the mid- to long-term economic and fiscal policy and the basic policy on budget formulation.

    Through these efforts, we will restore a Japanese economy that rewards those who work hard and in which ordinary citizens are able to feel the fruits of economic growth.

  2. Revival of Foreign and Security Policy

    We will restore a reliable Japan-U.S. alliance and carry out "proactive diplomacy that defends our national interests."

    In order to firmly defend the people's lives, property, our territory, territorial waters, and airspace, we will strive to establish a Council on National Security as well as engage in strengthening the appropriate development and management of remote islands on the national border and the patrol of territorial waters, among other measures.

  3. Revival of Education

    To foster people is to develop the nation. The children who bear the future of Japan are the most precious treasures of the nation. In order to protect the lives and the futures of the children, we will promote comprehensive measures to counter bullying, including the implementation of thorough moral education. We will take initiatives to revive education by undertaking reforms and other measures in order for the nation to be able to carry out its obligations as the entity having ultimate responsibility for public education.
    As such, we will cultivate world-leading academic ability and social morality as well as an attitude of respect for history and culture.

  4. Revival of Daily Life

    We will aim to establish a sustainable social security system which all people can feel reassured about. In addition, we will promote the creation of a country in which women are dynamically engaged and in which it is easy for them to raise children. Furthermore, we will develop an environment in which people in socially vulnerable positions, including those with intractable illnesses and disabilities, can participate actively in society.

    Additionally, we will sweep away the sense of anxiety within the people's lives and create a society of peace of mind by pushing forward with measures to make the nation's infrastructure more resilient as part of disaster preparedness, including measures to cope with aging infrastructure. All possible measures will also be taken for crisis management, including for large-scale disasters and terrorism.

    Lastly, in addition to the collective efforts of the Cabinet, it is imperative that public servants from each ministry exert their potential to the full extent in order to overcome the crises which Japan is faced with.

    With pride in their hearts as professionals of Government administration, public servants are urged, based on their own judgment, to actively make proposals in devising policies and to take bold actions at their workplaces, all for the sake of the nation and the people.

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