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The Prime Minister Attends the Inauguration Ceremony for the Secretariat of the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan
Friday, September 5, 2014
Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard
Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended a ceremony of raising a signboard for the Secretariat of the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan, and also delivered an address to the staff.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
“Just a moment ago, together with Minister Ishiba, we raised the signboard for the Secretariat of the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan.’ From today, I would like to work hard together with all of you toward the vitalization of local economies.
The biggest issue for the Abe Cabinet moving forward will be the creation of prosperous, vibrant, and revitalized regions. To date, people have made the point that ‘Local communities are the source of Japan’s vitality’ and ‘There will be no revitalization of Japan without the revitalization of local communities.’ Unfortunately, local communities face a difficult situation. If things continue as they are, some predict that some regions in Japan will disappear. This is a matter of utmost urgency and I think it is fair to say we cannot wait.
All of you joined this Secretariat from different ministries and agencies. I am confident in you as members chosen specifically for this task. But while working as part of this Secretariat, please forget the ministries and agencies that you came from. Your coworkers here will be the partners with whom you create local communities. With that in mind, I hope that you will exert every effort for the benefit of local communities.
I believe it is safe to say that a hands-on approach is more important than anything. Please forget the common practices from Kasumigaseki. This is a job you cannot do from Kasumigaseki. I would like you to actively go out to local communities.
I share the same mindset as Minister Ishiba when it comes to the vitalization of local communities. Rather than a macro approach, we should take a micro approach to this issue. The situation in each area is different, and we must do things differently and work with a different perspective in each area.
Of course, it is true that there are many shared issues as well, but I believe that the important thing is that we make the most of the individual strengths of each area. I would like everyone to proactively propose ideas. At the same time, I would like you to make active efforts to find people with ideas, and to put their ideas to use. Doing so, I believe that we can thoroughly understand the needs of each region, their individual strengths and characteristics, and their future.
I have great hopes that you will work together as one under Minister Ishiba and create a wonderful future for Japan and local communities. Thank you.”