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Central Meeting of the National Traffic Safety Campaign
Friday, January 17, 2014
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the 54th Central Meeting of the National Traffic Safety Campaign held in Tokyo in the presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino.
After delivering an address, the Prime Minister presented each of the top winners of the contest for annual slogan for traffic safety and the family essay contest on traffic safety with the Prime Minister's Award.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"Today, on behalf of the Government, I would like to offer some remarks upon the opening of the 54th Central Meeting of the National Traffic Safety Campaign in the presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Prince and Princess Akishino.
The number of traffic accident fatalities last year decreased to 4,373, staying at the 4,000 range for the fifth consecutive year and decreasing for the 13th consecutive year. This is the result of the dedicated efforts of all of the people who have been working to improve traffic safety in their communities and workplaces, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone.
Nevertheless, many precious lives are still being lost, and thinking about the feelings of those who have passed away and about what must be on the minds of their families reminds us of what a tragedy traffic accidents are.
In order to realize a safe and secure society free of traffic accidents, it is important that in addition to, of course, the measures taken by the Government and municipalities, each and every person is highly aware of traffic safety and watches out for each other. I believe this kind of mindset is deepened at home, at school, in workplaces, and in the community, and this in turn takes hold in society.
Aiming to ensure that the people can feel firsthand that Japan is a country in which they can live safely and with peace of mind, in the recently formulated Strategy to Make 'Japan One of the Safest Countries in the World,' the Government has set out, among other things, that PR and outreach activities will be promoted to stamp out malicious and dangerous traffic violations which lead to serious traffic accidents, such as drunk driving and driving without a license. Together with your efforts, the Government will do its utmost to realize one of the safest road traffic conditions in the world. I would like to conclude my remarks by asking for your ever greater engagement as leaders of traffic safety activities in your communities. Thank you very much."