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Inauguration Party for the Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the inauguration party for the Chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, held in Tokyo.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"In order to again create a strong Japan, since my inauguration as Prime Minister I have released three 'arrow' policies that are different from the past in both their scope and reach.
From the beginning of this year we have begun to see promising signs in the Japanese economy. I am convinced that the atmosphere in Japan has changed. However, it is a fact that this is not yet being felt in all of the areas and regions of Japan. The mission of the Abe administration is to make sure that the economic recovery can be fully felt all across the country.
In order to realize a recovery from the deflationary mindset that has gripped Japan, we must create a virtuous cycle in our economy that connects greater corporate profits to increases in wages and expansion of employment, and leads to even larger corporate profits through the expansion of consumption.
To this end, I am resolved to exert every governmental effort and take every possible measure, including legal, budgetary, taxation, and other options. That said, above all, it is those of you in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), small businesses, and medium-sized companies who will play the main role in pushing the wave of economic recovery across the country. And I believe that the role of chambers of commerce and industry in supporting them and underpinning regional economies is only growing in importance.
I hope that the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well will continue to deepen commitments and be drivers for the further growth of Japan's economy and further development of its regions, under the leadership of Chairman Akio Mimura."