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The Prime Minister in Action

Japan-Mongolia Summit Meeting, Signing Ceremony, Joint Press Announcement, and Banquet

Friday, September 13, 2013

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (1)

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (1)

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (1)

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (1)

  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (1)
  • Photograph of the Japan-Mongolia Summit Meeting
  • Photograph of the leaders attending the signing ceremony
  • Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (2)
  • Photograph of the leaders holding a joint press announcement
  • Photograph of the leaders heading to the banquet venue
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (1)
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (2)

Photograph of the Japan-Mongolia Summit Meeting

Photograph of the Japan-Mongolia Summit Meeting

Photograph of the leaders attending the signing ceremony

Photograph of the leaders attending the signing ceremony

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (2)

Photograph of Prime Minister Abe shaking hands with Prime Minister Altankhuyag (2)

Photograph of the leaders holding a joint press announcement

Photograph of the leaders holding a joint press announcement

Photograph of the leaders heading to the banquet venue

Photograph of the leaders heading to the banquet venue

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (1)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (2)

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the banquet (2)

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held talks with Mr. Norov Altankhuyag, Prime Minister of Mongolia, at the Prime Minister's Office.

Following the talks, the Prime Minister attended a signing ceremony and then held a joint press announcement.

Later, the Prime Minister held a banquet inviting Prime Minister Altankhuyag and Mrs. Khonichin Selenge, among others. The Prime Minister said in his address,

"I would like to once again welcome the visit to Japan by Prime Minister Altankhuyag and Mrs. Selenge.
Moments ago, I was able to have an extremely meaningful summit meeting with His Excellency the Prime Minister.
At the outset of the summit meeting, Prime Minister Altankhuyag very kindly offered his congratulations to me on Tokyo winning the bid to host the 2020 Olympics. 
If sumo could be added as an Olympic event, I believe Japan and Mongolia could vie for the gold medal.
Once again I would like to express my appreciation to the people of Mongolia for their warm hospitality extended to me during my visit to Mongolia in March."


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