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The Prime Minister Visits Fukushima Prefecture
Monday, July 1, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the road station (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the road station (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the road station (2)
Photograph of the Prime Minister offering a silent prayer at the cenotaph
Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting Iwaki City
Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the work site for the restoration of the Joban Expressway
Photograph of the Prime Minister observing a rice paddy where rice cropping has resumed
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Fukushima Prefecture to gauge the progress of the reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Upon arriving in Iwaki City, the Prime Minister first visited the road station Yotsukura-kou and received an explanation on the progress of the reconstruction of the coastal area, after which he observed the facility and received a letter of request from Mr. Takao Watanabe, Mayor of Iwaki City.
The Prime Minister then visited the cenotaph in Hisanohama in the city and offered a silent prayer.
In the afternoon, the Prime Minister moved to Naraha Town, Futaba County, and observed the work site for the restoration of the Joban Expressway.
Lastly, the Prime Minister visited farmers in Hirono Town, Futaba County, and observed a rice paddy where rice cropping has resumed.