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The Prime Minister in Action

National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering a congratulatory address at the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association

The Prime Minister attended the National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association held in Tokyo.

The Prime Minister said in his congratulatory address,

"I would like to offer some remarks today upon the opening of the 28th National Meeting of the Japan Private Kindergarten PTA Association.
I offer my deep respect to every member of a Private Kindergarten PTA who is working so hard for the healthy raising of children through daily PTA activities as a bridge connecting kindergartens, households, and the communities.
The children who will bear the future are the treasure of Japan, and education is the foundation of the state.
I believe that the role of education is to help all children have dreams for the future, develop a mindset to realize those dreams, and walk their own path. I also believe that such an education enables us to pass down a wonderful country and a strong country, to the next generation of Japanese people and the generation after that.
In particular, early childhood education is the cultivation of a basis for the lifelong formation of one's personality. It is important, and I believe that securing high quality early childhood education for children is extremely vital.
For this reason, the first Abe Cabinet revised the Basic Act on Education, stipulating that early childhood education is the basis for Japan's education.
The education rebuilding that I am advancing right now is the concrete execution of the philosophy of the Basic Act on Education.
The Government and ruling parties will come together as one, joining hands with everyone here, for initiatives toward the achievement of various policies, such as the realization of free early childhood education, such that we can secure high quality early childhood education for all children."


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