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Advisory Council on the "Challenge Again" Initiative
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the "Challenge Again" Initiative (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the "Challenge Again" Initiative (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the "Challenge Again" Initiative (2)
Photograph of the Prime Minister shaking hands with a participant from the private sector
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attended the first meeting of the Advisory Council on the "Challenge Again" Initiative at the Prime Minister's Office.
During the meeting, members who succeeded in their attempts to "challenge again" shared their experiences, following which an exchange of views took place.
Based on the statements and the exchange of views, the Prime Minister said,
"Thank you everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to gather here today.
In the world of politics, it is quite possible to have second chances. Mr. Terada and Dr. Yamagiwa to the left did not have a seat on the House of Representatives until recently. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato also has experienced losing an election. My father too has lost an election. And as for me, although I was told I would never again be a Prime Minister once I stepped down, I was fortunate that a revolutionary new medicine was developed that was just right for my illness and I was able to once again return to the post of Prime Minister.
However, society as a whole is not as receptive to such people, as Dr. Uchida stated a short while ago.
Listening to the discussions today, I have a renewed understanding of how very difficult it is for people who have failed once, twice, or three times, or those with disabilities to overcome those barriers in society.
Your inputs have given me a variety of advice regarding what is important and what the problems are in moving forward with the 'challenge again' policy. Once again I would like to express my gratitude to you.
In our efforts to create a 'Japan with vitality,' from what I heard today, I believe the experience of coming up against the barriers of failure or having a disability will help shape great careers. When society fully harnesses these people, then for the first time vitality will be restored in Japan through everyone's participation.
Although everyone here today overcame such barriers, there are far more people struggling to overcome these barriers in reality. In other words, Japan does not leverage these human resources. While reaffirming that these people are struggling to move closer to achieving their life goals in society, it is our job to think about how to remove such barriers, how to eliminate the hurdles, and how we can support them.
In this context, I would like to start several initiatives.
With regard to young people, including NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training), it was made known today that career advancements are important after they find employment. I will launch a program to support the career advancements of NEETs.
Furthermore, excessive personal guarantees impede second chances. Although once you fail you are stigmatized in Japan, Walt Disney has let his company go bankrupt five times. This means that if Walt Disney were in Japan, the big company that is Disney would never have existed. Thus, I would like to establish guidelines which do not require the guarantee of business owners, provided they meet certain conditions. Also, the question of whether it is appropriate to have the Olympics and Paralympics under the separate jurisdictions of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, respectively, will be examined.
In addition, detailed employment supports for those with disabilities are extremely necessary and will be promoted. Therefore, the Government will increase the number of job orders to companies hiring people with disabilities.
Moving forward, bearing in mind the opinions which were shared today, under the leadership of Minister Inada, the relevant ministries and agencies will work on implementing measures. Through such measures, I would like to realize a society in which young people, women, men, those who have failed, and those with disabilities are able to 'challenge again' without facing any hurdles, and I look forward to your continued advice."