Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > June 2013 > The Prime Minister Receives a Request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa
The Prime Minister Receives a Request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister receiving a request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa (2)
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a request from the Council for Promotion of Dezoning and Reutilization of Military Land in Okinawa at the Prime Minister's Office.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"Thank you for all of your cooperation, including on the dezoning and reutilization of military land.
We will be in consultation with you in moving forward with the smooth realization of the land returns south of Kadena."