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The Prime Minister in Action

Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 1

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 1

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 1
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 2

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime 2

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the first Ministerial Meeting Concerning Measures Against Crime of 2013 (the 20th in total) at the Prime Minister's Office.

At the meeting, the Basic Policy on the Formulation of a New Action Plan for the Realization of a Society that is Resistant to Crime was decided.

In addition, the meeting also discussed the Second Set of Comprehensive Measures to Eliminate Child Pornography (draft).

The Prime Minister said in his address,

"The most fundamental responsibility of the Government is to ensure good public order and realize a society in which people can live safely and with peace of mind.
Looking at the recent state of public order, although there is a decreasing trend in the number of criminal offense cases recognized by the police, we confront large threats to public order in cyber crime, cyber attacks and other issues. The public's anxiety about public order has not been resolved.
In light of these circumstances, there was recently a new proposal from the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan concerning issues related to crime and counterterrorism measures that should be worked on urgently, including promoting detailed measures to prevent repeated offences at correctional and rehabilitations facilities such as prisons and juvenile training schools.
I would like to ask that everyone work in the Government together as one to carry out the new action plan related to crime countermeasures under the three basic initiative policies of 'constructing a world-class safe cyber space,' 'constructing a society that is tough on crime and terrorism,' and 'strengthening the foundations of public order,' which are all based on the Basic Policy on the Formulation of a New Action Plan for the Realization of a Society that is Resistant to Crime that was approved today, and to exert every effort to make Japan 'the safest country with the greatest peace of mind in the world.'"


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