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Advisory Council on the Establishment of a National Security Council
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the Establishment of a National Security Council 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the Establishment of a National Security Council 1
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address at the Advisory Council on the Establishment of a National Security Council 2
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the sixth Advisory Council on the Establishment of a National Security Council at the Prime Minister's Office.
At this meeting, there was an explanation from the government side and opinions were exchanged.
The Prime Minister said in his address,
"Since the establishment of this council, we have heard vigorous and intensive discussion and received a great amount of valuable opinions from everyone. I offer my heartfelt thanks.
Today, based on all of your opinions, the outline of a bill related to the establishment of the National Security Council, which was created by the secretariat, was presented. In addition, from the perspective of making the National Security Council a strongly functioning control tower for foreign and security policies, we compiled all of the issues raised by everyone related to the operation of meetings.
As the security environment surrounding Japan grows more severe, there is a need to establish a system as soon as possible to strategically, flexibly, and swiftly respond to the many foreign and security issues. The Government will work together with the ruling parties to accelerate work to create a law on the National Security Council.
The establishment of the National Security Council will be the first step toward a great turning point in the history of foreign and security issues in Japan.
I would like to receive advice from the members toward the further strengthening of Japan's foreign and security systems based on the outline of the bill presented today."